Have you ever seen Stupid Human Tricks on David Letterman? That's what I felt like we were doing with Noah the other day. Everyone in the fam can roll their tongues, so we were trying to find out if Noah got that gene or not. We all showed him our stupid human trick, and he eventually did it!! I couldn't believe our sweet little 16 month old could do it! I was such a proud mama!
Didn't we just teach Isaac how to do that on our trip to Disneyland in October?? How cute that Noah can do it too. That picture is PRICELESS man!
Hey, Benji this is Alma Sanchez your cuz I love to catching up with you guys through the blog. I would like to get into emilys and natalies blog can you tell them to let me in!! my email is ainthefamily@yahoo.com
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