Monday, September 10, 2007

Our First Visit from the Tooth Fairy

August 25th, 2007. This is the day that will go down in big boy history as the day Matthew yoinked out his own loose tooth! Matthew came to us to show us that his front bottom tooth was loose. He worked on it for days! Eventually it was just ridiculously loose, so I thought about the dental floss and the door knob trick, but knew he would never go for it. So I just casually mentioned that if he pulled on it hard enough, it would probably just pop out. By the time I finished explaining that, he'd tried once but the tooth slipped out of his fingers. I started to say that it might bleed a little, thinking I would get him prepared, but it was too late! He had grabbed that baby tooth and pulled it straight out of his mouth. He just looked at me, then looked at the tooth and looked at me again, just a little stunned! He couldn't believe it! He asked if it was bleeding (and at this point I thought he would burst into tears at the thought) and it was a little. No problem! He just went to the bathroom to get some tissue and that was it! Way to go, Matthew! He was spoiled a bit by the Tooth Fairy. He was given $2: One for the tooth and one for pulling it out all by himself! :)

He's so proud!

1 comment:

Steve and Megan said...

Way to go Matthew! You are so brave!