Ok, so I was hoping to avoid it, but I was DOUBLE TAGGED! Both Megan and Brittney tagged me, so I guess I have to give in. But I'm not doubling my answers!! Ok, here it goes...
1. My favorite thing to do as a kid was play "office." I would gather all the paper I could find, get pens and crayons and note pads, and go into my room to set up my office. I loved pulling my dresser away from the wall so I could have a little area behind it all to myself. I also loved pretending to be a cashier. I loved playing with play money - making change, counting it, pretending to sell things! I've always kind of wanted to be a cashier, if only for one day! So now I really love doing the self-checkout thing! Weirdo, I know.
2. I am SOO happy when my house is clean. It just gives me energy, if you can believe it. I get a little bummed when the house is a mess, and I just can't get motivated for anything. But if the house is clean, I'm a new woman!
3. I love watching movies with Ben. I know it's kind of simple, but it REALLY doesn't happen that often. If you've got kids, you know that your time is no longer your own. So if and when Ben and I are at home at the same time AND the kids are in bed AND there is nothing else pressing that must get done, I LOVE watching movies with him! We watched Ocean's 13 last night and it was so fun just to be with him and do NOTHING! :)
4. My favorite time of year is fall. Not only because of the weather and the leaves changing, but because it means the holidays! I adore Halloween! It's one of my favs. I also like Thanksgiving and who wouldn't LOVE Christmas! I love all the activities that the holidays bring. Trick-or-treating with the kids, building snowmen (when there is snow), seeing the lights at Temple Square, going shopping the day after Thanksgiving, feeling the anticipation of the kids on Christmas Eve... Its all so wonderful!!
I was able to go to The Savior of the World performance at the Conference Center over the weekend and I walked out of it a different person than going in. It was remarkable. If you ever have an opportunity to go see it, PLEASE don't pass it up! I want to try to take Ben with me next time. It puts things into perspective better than anything I've ever experienced. It was amazing!
5. I love rice crispie treats. The store bought kind, not homemade. It is such a guilty pleasure! :) I've gotten over the obession stage. I don't need one after every meal anymore, but I still crave them! Mmmmm.... Wish we had them in the office!!
6. I can't wait until I can be a stay at home mom. I know a lot of people that have been able to stay home with their kids and are now itching to get out for some time on their own! Not me, I want to be at home. I've spent the last 18 years working and now I just want to be home with my kids. It's heartbreaking to hear your 3 year old ask, "Mom, you done wiff work? Can you stay wiff us now?" Can't wait for the day when I can tell him, yes, Isaac, I'm done.